Forever and Almost Always Read online

Page 7

  “Maybe, but as of right now, no.” He laughed. “I figured we could go to the movies and then afterwards maybe dinner, or whatever you want to do.”

  “Sounds good to me. What movie?” I honestly didn’t care. Anywhere I got to be with him where it was dark and just us, I was in. I secretly hoped for a scary movie, even though I didn’t like them all that much, but it would definitely give me a reason to grab onto those thick, comforting arms. Or so I assumed.

  “Have you heard of the new movie Panic Room?”


  “Yeah, I really want to see that one.”

  “Well I bought tickets this morning.”

  This was going to be perfect. Even though it wasn’t supposed to be a “scary” movie per se, I had heard that there were a few parts that were a bit jumpy. I couldn’t wait to find out. We pulled up to the movie theater a few minutes later, and I was starting to over think every little thing that was going to happen tonight. I had a habit of doing this, and always found myself disappointed when things went a different way. Dax exited the truck before I did, so I took the brief time alone, to give myself a small pep talk.

  “Just let things happen the way there going to.” I took in a deep breath, and slowly let it out when the truck door swung open.

  “You coming?” He joked as he held out his hand for mine.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I grabbed his hand, half expecting him to let go as soon as I was out of the truck, but I underestimated him. Instead of letting go, he slid his fingers through mine and gave my hand a small squeeze. I looked up into his eyes and tried my damnedest not to smile, but failed miserably.

  I know how childish it seemed, but I had the worst case of butterflies, just feeling his skin against mine. I must’ve glanced down at our interlocked fingers at least a dozen times. And every time, I still found myself getting excited. So excited, that I hadn’t even realized that Dax had been asking me a question for who knows how long.

  “What? I’m so sorry.”

  He let out a low chuckle, then brought my hand up to his soft tender lips, and placed a kiss to the back of it. “You’re too cute. Do you want any popcorn or anything?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” A small giggle escaped between my lips, “I don’t like popcorn.” A serious expression fell over his face, making me want to laugh out loud.

  “Wait, are you serious right now? I mean, who doesn’t like popcorn?”

  “I do.” I answered, as I raised my hand to better emphasize my point. “It gets stuck in your teeth and that just makes the whole “eating popcorn” experience, not worth it in my eyes.” I glanced up at him, and he had the biggest shit eatin’ grin I had ever seen, plastered across that gorgeous face of his. It was amazing how open and honest I found myself being with him. And, he was fun to be around.

  “Alright no-popcorn-eating hottie, let’s go see this movie.”

  I grabbed his hand in mine and lead him in the direction of the number theater they told us. There were barely any other patrons, and I was amazed. It was a Saturday night. The movie theaters were usually the most packed places to go. We quickly found two seats, not too close to the screen, and made ourselves comfortable. I propped my feet up on the seat in front of me, just as the lights began to dim inside the theater. My mind was racing with things I wanted, or more specifically imagined him doing, since the place was basically empty.

  I strategically placed my hand on the arm rest between us, hoping he would place his on top of mine, or something, but I was beginning to think that he didn’t have any physical affection on his radar at the moment. I sunk down in my seat a bit, and prepared myself for the movie to start. Seconds later, I felt the warmth of his hand on my thigh, and well, let’s just say that certain body parts were starting to become quite excited.

  Midway through the movie, Dax hadn’t moved his hand and made no other attempt to touch me, but all that was about to change. I turned ever so slightly, when Dax caught me completely off guard. His lips were suddenly on mine. It was a long, deep sensual kiss and within seconds, I could feel myself getting wet. Something about his touch made me want to drop my panties and have him take me right there, people be damned.

  My hands went up to his neck, pulling him deeper into me as our lips moved in sync. His mouth tasted like cinnamon and his hair was extra soft. I ran my fingers through the minimal hair he had on the back of his head, as his hand slowly began exploring other parts of my body.

  I knew how crazy this all seemed. Hell, I had only known him for a week, but a week was all I needed, to know that I wanted to feel this guy deep inside of me. I needed to feel every inch of this man’s amazing body.

  His hand was making its way up my thigh, when I grabbed it to stop him. I knew exactly what he was going for, and I just wasn’t that kind of girl. Trust me, I wanted to be that kind of girl, but I actually wanted to wait with this guy. If the feelings I were having for him now only intensified, just imagine how intense that sex would be. Dax let out a low growl as I grabbed his hand, but I paid him no mind and turned to finish watching the movie.

  “Did I do something wrong?” He whispered so close in my ear, that I was second guessing the decision I had just made.

  “No, it’s not you. I just don’t want to be that girl, you know?”

  His finger slid under my chin, pulling my face in his direction so he could look at me. “Charlee, you could never be that girl, but I understand. Trust me when I say, you’re worth the wait.”

  I had rarely ever blushed in my entire life, but right then, I blushed, hard. This guy either knew all the right things to say, or he really was the guy I hoped he would be.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I meant every word that I had said to her thus far tonight. I really was willing to wait for this girl to be ready, before I tried anything else with her. I didn’t want her to feel cheap or anything less than amazing. So if waiting was what I needed to do, then waiting it was. I placed my hand back on her thigh after we both tried to get comfortable, and I could see her smile from the corner of my eye.

  A little over an hour later, the movie was over. I couldn’t tell you how it ended or even what happened throughout most of it, but the fact that I got to make out with Charlee and touch her with no one else around to interrupt, was amazing. I wasn’t ready to leave the confines of the dark theater, but the lights came on minutes later and we didn’t have much of a choice. I reached for her hand and pulled her up flush against my chest.

  “You hungry?”

  “Starving.” Her voice came out all soft and sexy, and now dinner was the last thing on my mind.

  “Let’s go.” I quickly pulled her through the theater and out to the truck. I had come up with the best idea, but I wasn’t sure if she was going to go along with it. “What would you think about picking up some fast food, and going back to my place?” I was bracing myself for her answer. Most girls would be pissed that I didn’t want to go to some fancy, expensive restaurant, but I was pleasantly surprised when she eventually did answer me.

  “That sounds amazing.”

  “Really?” I was shocked.

  “You sound surprised.”

  “I guess I’m just used to more high maintenance girls, that’s all.”

  “I am probably one of the least high maintenance girls you will ever meet. I don’t need much to make me happy.”

  I smiled a wide smile, as I grabbed her hand, linking our fingers together again. “Okay, I’ll let you pick the place. How’s that sound?”

  She let out a loud laugh, filling the entire cab of the truck with the melodic sound. “I pick Taco Bell.”

  “Ah, a woman after my own heart. Done. Now what do you want to do when we get back to my house? I think Wilton is gone for the night, but if he is home we can always hang out in my room.”

  “That sounds a little bit dangerous.” She winked.

  “We can watch another movie or
something. Anything you want.”

  “We can figure it out when we get there, how about that?”

  When we pulled up to the house, I noticed a few cars in the driveway, one of which I knew was Aaron’s, but the other two, I had no idea. I let out a loud sigh, knowing exactly how this night was going to go.

  “You okay, Dax?” We had been parked on the street for at least five minutes before she finally said something.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Hey, no matter what happens when we walk in there, promise me it’ll just be you and me tonight?”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  “Are you sure? Trust me, the parties are very appealing, and I understand if you would rather hang out with everyone else.”

  “Hey,” her hand cupped my cheek, instantly silencing me. “Look at me. This our date and I just want it to be you and me. I promise, I do.”

  I nodded, and jumped out of the truck. I ran around to her side and pulled her out of the truck, slamming her body against mine as my lips captured hers. It was a brief kiss and I didn’t want to stop, but our food was getting cold and I wanted to get her into my room before more people showed up.

  Everyone shouted a ‘hello’ in unison when we walked through the door, but Charlee and I made a beeline straight for my room without saying a word. Yeah, it may have been rude, but I wasn’t willing to share this girl, ever. I quietly closed the door behind me and watched her every move, as she made her way over to my bed and sat down right in the middle of it.

  “Are you just going to stand there and look at me all stalker like, or are you gonna join me?”

  I tossed the bags of food on the ground, before I went running across the room, tackling Charlee down on the bed. I tickled her sides, thighs and anywhere else I thought she may be ticklish, and I was rewarded with one of the sweetest sounds in the world. Her voice was intoxicating, and I couldn’t help but laugh along with her. When my face ended up merely inches in front of hers, our laughing ceased, and the making out began. My hands were making their way up her shirt to her bra, when I expected her to stop me, but she didn’t. She made no inclination that that was what she wanted me to do, so I kept going. I tossed her shirt across the room and settled in between her legs as I stared at her beautiful face, before sealing my lips against hers.

  What started out as play was quickly turning into something I knew she wasn’t ready to do. I pulled myself into a sitting position, completely out of breath. “We have to stop now, or I don’t think I’ll be able to at all.” She didn’t say a single word, just nodded her head in agreement.

  “Do you have a bigger shirt I can throw on?”

  If there was one thing I found even hotter than tight fitting clothes or a bathing suit on her, it was picturing her in my shirt. I tossed her one of my many t-shirts and plopped myself back down on the bed with our food.

  A couple hours later, we were officially in a food coma and watching some random show on TV. “Hey, I have a question for you, but I don’t want you to feel pressured to say yes.”

  “Oh-kay.” She said hesitantly.

  “What would you say if I asked you to stay the night tonight?” I hung my head, not wanting to hear the answer I was almost certain she was going to say.

  “I think that sounds great. Are you sure?”

  I laughed, “Yes, I’m sure. Seeing as I was the one who asked the question in the first place.”

  “Oh yeah.” She giggled. “Then yes Dax, I would love to stay the night with you.”

  I gently pushed her back against the mattress as I settled back in between her legs, hovering above her. “But you have to promise to wear this shirt and nothing else.” I tugged at the shirt she was currently wearing.

  “I promise.”

  With those two little words, everything about us was about to change.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My eyes fluttered shut as his hand slid across my lower abdomen, coming to rest on the most needy body part at the moment. I could feel the heat from his hand radiating against my skin at the close proximity of its placement. I was yearning for him to touch me, to pull back the thin material, and slip his fingers inside of me. My body was rung so tight, if I didn’t get a release soon, I was almost certain I would explode.

  His hand moved merely an inch down and now he was even closer than before. I knew what he was doing, because secretly in my mind, I was doing the same. As much as I wanted this to happen, I was questioning whether or not it was something that needed to happen so quickly after meeting one another.

  I was never an easy girl. Hell, I was the complete opposite. Don’t get me wrong; I have had my fair share of sex, but with few and far between suitors. And damn it, I made each and every one of them work, for what they eventually received. But this guy, he was different. He made a part of me come out that I had long since forgotten existed. He made me want to do bad things with him, anywhere and everywhere we could.

  “You okay over there?” His husky voice tickled my ear, and a visible shiver ran over my body.

  “I’m okay. You?” I didn’t look over at him as I spoke, not wanting him to read how nervous I was.

  “Get out of your head, Charlee.” He whispered back, and I finally turned my face to look at him.

  “Done.” I replied.

  And as if I had said a major word, his deft fingers gently pushed my panties to the side and grazed my hardened nub with just the faintest touch of his thumb. I let out a small, strangled moan as his other fingers caught up with the motion his thumb was now making. My breathing became erratic and labored in a matter of seconds, and just as his finger made its way inside of me, I bit down hard on the pillow underneath me.

  His rhythm started out slow and teasing, and at any given second my body was about to succumb to the pressure building up inside of me.

  His lips made their way from my hardened and sensitive nipple, up my neck and then eventually finding my mouth. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as we explored each other’s mouths, barely stopping long enough to take a breath. Another finger joined his other as both fingers entered me, in a quick in and out motion. My nails dug deep into his bare tensed shoulder blades, as I rode out the wave of my first orgasm from this amazingly glorious man. He pulled back from me just enough to slide his wet fingers between us, as he took them into his mouth and sucked.

  “You taste even better than I imagined.”

  Our eyes were staring right into one another’s, as I let out a soft moan at the action. Most girls wouldn’t find this a turn on, but for me, it was enough for me to want to take control and show him what he was in for.

  I pressed my lips against his as I rolled him onto his back, and slowly climbed on top of him, straddling his hard on. I glanced down curiously, wanting to know what I was working with. When I caught sight of him, I almost lost my breath. He was perfect in size. He was big, but not overly big. Before he could question what I was doing, I made my way down his legs and wrapped my fingers tightly around his shaft. I glanced up at Dax, and the look on his face was priceless. I had a feeling that even though he was only two years younger than me, he was a little less experienced. Which was absolutely fine by me. I was about to show him just exactly what it was like to be with someone a little bit older, and who knew exactly what she was doing.

  My lips sealed around the tip of his erection, and instead of continuing to take the rest of him into my mouth, I sealed my lips, and then started to slowly make circles with my tongue. His body shivered and jerked every time I hit that sensitive spot, and I was internally smiling, wide as hell. I slowly moved my lips down the length of his cock, taking all of him into my mouth. I moved my head up and down, all the while stroking his shaft in the opposite motion. Just as I was about to fondle his balls with my free hand, he caught my hand and shook his head.

  “If you don’t stop now, I’m going to cum, and I really want to cum inside of you.”

  He motioned for me to come up to him, and I obeyed
. I kissed all the way up the length of his body, as I made my way to his mouth. When my lips were just barely hovering over his, he pushed his hand through the back of my hair and pulled my head all the way down. Our lips crashed together and he began to ferociously kiss me, as though he couldn’t get enough. I raised my hips as he continued to explore my mouth, and slowly pushed myself down onto him.

  It hurt at first, but the pleasure of it all, outweighed the pain. With a few more movements, I slowly sunk all the way down onto him. I moaned into his mouth and he did the same. I took this as a sign to keep going, so I did. I clutched his face with both of my hands as I moved myself up and down his rock hard cock. I started to speed up the rhythm, when his hands moved down to my hips, stilling me.

  “Just give me a second.”

  I nodded, and then reached behind me to grab his balls. Just as I made contact, he let out a low growl, “Okay, go.”

  A smile formed on my lips as I sat straight up and moved faster with every passing second. His hands flew up to my bare breasts, pinching and teasing my hardened nipples. I moaned in pure ecstasy, as I could feel myself getting closer to the edge, again. This time I was going to hold off so the both of us could come together. I didn’t have to wait too much longer, because a few minutes later, he was sitting with me, sucking on my neck as I bounced up and down on him.

  “Are you ready?” He whispered between labored breaths.

  All I could do was throw my head back and moan. He pushed himself into me harder with every pump of his hips and seconds later, we were both screaming out each other’s names. His head fell to my breasts as we both tried to slow our breathing. I couldn’t move. My entire body felt like Jell-O, and it was amazing.

  “You okay?” He panted.

  “I’m better than okay. You?”


  A wide smile spread across my face as I slowly moved off of him and laid on my side. What we had just experienced together, was something I never felt before. Even when I thought I was madly in love with my high school love, sex was never like this. I had never felt so entirely connected to another, until now.