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- Bennett, Amanda
Forever and Almost Always Page 5
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Page 5
“Okay, let’s get going then.” I muttered.
Wilton walked out with Charlee, and I rolled my eyes at their playful banter. “I guess I’ll get the door then.” I whispered as I locked up behind myself. This was definitely going to be a long night.
Chapter Ten
As we all piled into Taylor’s step dad’s van, I couldn’t stop thinking about the look of disappointment on Dax’s face, when I walked through his door. I wasn’t sure if it was me he was disappointed in, or if it was the fact that I was a little bit more comfortable with his roommate at the moment. Taylor gave me a confused look when I hopped up into the passenger seat, but I just shrugged my shoulders and buckled up. Wilton and Dax were talking about something in the back, so I took that as an okay to try and talk to Taylor. I knew she was expecting Aaron to show up, but unfortunately he was busy.
“Hey?” I whispered in her direction. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Where is Aaron?” She whispered back.
I tried to be as quiet as I could be, given the fact that they were both just a few feet behind us. “He had plans. Wilton wanted to come along, and I didn’t want to be mean. Ya know?”
“No, I know. It just sucks. I was totally looking forward to seeing Aaron tonight.”
“I know hun, but don’t worry, I’m sure we will see him soon. At least you didn’t have to see a look of disappointment, when you walked through the door.”
“Are you serious?”
“Serious about what?” Wilton was now leaning forward with both arms on both of our seats, trying to be part of the conversation.
“Nothing, we were just talking about something that happened the other day.”
“Cool. Well sorry to crash tonight, I hope you guys don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” I answered for the both of us. “So what happened to the party?”
“Ah, everybody wanted to go to a club instead. I don’t really do the whole club scene, neither does Dax.” He laughed as he sat back.
I turned in my seat, enough that I could see Dax. He was sitting behind Taylor, so I didn’t have to turn much and when I did, the look on his face threw me off guard. He was just sitting there, with his hands folded in his lap, staring at me. The look on his face was one of indifference and I couldn’t tell what it was that he was thinking. For a brief second, I just wished I could get into his head and know exactly what he was thinking.
“So what are your guys’ plans for the rest of the weekend?” I was thankful that Taylor cut in when she did. I don’t know how much longer I could take Dax staring at me without saying a word. Although, he wasn’t the one who answered.
“Not sure. I kinda go day by day with my plans. You never know when a hot girl will call ya up and wanna hang, ya know?” Wilton started laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh right along with him. I had to admit, Wilton was definitely funny. “Hey can you pull into this gas station real quick, I’m gonna grab some beer. Anybody else want anything?”
Taylor and I exchanged glances before I replied, “We’re good with beer.”
“Cool. Dax, you wanna come inside with me and grab some snacks for these ladies?”
I glanced back at Dax as he moved to get out of the van. “Sure.” He muttered under his breath.
When the door closed behind them, I took that as my chance to unleash my thoughts on Taylor. “What the fuck is his deal? I mean, seriously! From the minute I walked in their door, I have gotten absolutely nothing from him. He seems pissed off, but who knows why. This is bullshit. If I wanted to deal with this shit, I would go back to Michael.” I stopped and took a deep breath, when I heard Taylor giggling next to me. “What is so damn funny, whore?”
“You. Did you just hear yourself? Honestly, I think he’s jealous of you and Wilton.”
“Me and Wilton? There is no, me and Wilton.”
“Look, I know that, but I have a feeling Dax is having a hard time knowing that. All he sees, is the way you act towards him and then how you act towards Wilton. You seem more at ease with Wilton, and I think that’s what is bothering him. He’s very much into you. You just need to show him that you, are just as into him.”
“Okay.” I adjusted myself in the seat and faced the windshield. I knew I was being ridiculous, but if he really wanted to get to know me, then he was going to have to learn to not be so god damned jealous. And until then, I was going to ignore him.
The guys came back a few minutes later, and Dax seemed to be a little less assholish as he climbed into the back seat. He once again chose the seat behind Taylor, and a small part of me couldn’t help but wonder if it was really her that he was in to. But that thought, got blown out the window the second I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were fixated on me and nothing else. He was in the middle of a conversation with Wilton, but his stare never wavered.
A small smile started to creep across my face, as I thought about the look he was giving me without him knowing I was looking. I had never had a guy look at me the way he was looking at me right this very second, and it felt amazing. The more he looked at me, the more aroused I became. His smoldering stare and the way he licked his lips when he caught me glancing back, was enough to send me over the edge. Before this got too out of hand, I reached forward and changed the radio station. There wasn’t much on, and the closer we got to the lake, the more the signal went in and out, so I decided to put on one of the many CD’s I had brought with.
As soon as the first song came on, Dax leaned forward right next to my ear, “Whose CD is this?”
I turned slightly, so I was now merely inches away from his inviting lips. “It’s mine.” I whispered.
“This is one of my favorite bands.”
“Mine too.” And as quickly as he had appeared, he sat back and I was left gasping for air.
If he would’ve just leaned in a tiny bit more, his lips would have touched mine. Since the first time I had seen him, all I had wanted to do was feel those soft lips against mine. I wanted to feel him take mine, as if they had only ever belonged to him. I wanted him something fierce, and if I didn’t get him soon, I’m pretty sure I was going to have to take matters into my own hands, literally.
I sat back in my seat as Kottonmouth Kings continued to play through the speakers. Nobody said another word, until we got to the dock on the other side of the marina at the lake. Taylor and I had been here at least a thousand times, but we had yet to bring any guys with us. This was a first, and I was secretly hoping this wouldn’t be the last.
Taylor put the van in park and I was the first to climb out. I didn’t wait for anyone else. Instead, I made my way to the edge of the dock. I needed to clear my head and thoughts of everything Dax, before I came face to face with him. I leaned forward against the railing and just stared out over the water. The entire lake was deserted and completely serene. You couldn’t hear a single bird, insect or person for miles. This was the place I felt the safest. I leaned my head back a little bit, and slowly closed my eyes as I took in the calming feeling of being here. I could hear footsteps far off on the dock, but paid no mind to them as I took in a deep cleansing breath.
“It’s beautiful out here at night. I see why you guys come here.”
His voice broke through my fleeting thoughts, making me almost open my eyes with a bit of irritation. “It is, and it never disappoints, unlike people.” Dax had leaned next to me, mirroring the way I was standing there looking out over the water.
“You don’t like me much, do you?” He asked playfully.
“Just the opposite, but you frighten me.” I smiled as I leaned into him, and then stood straight up.
“You know, you have a way of intimidating me that I’m not used to.”
“I can see that.” I replied.
“I have to say, I’m a little jealous of how you act towards Wilton. If I didn’t know any better, I would think it was him you were into.”
“If you didn’t know any better, huh?”
r /> “Well at least that’s what your best friend tells me.”
“Oh is that so? Let’s just say that Wilton, isn’t really my type.” I looked straight into his deep blue eyes as I said the last part, hoping he would realize that my type, was staring me right in the face.
“Interesting.” He started to walk away and I looked at him with a confused look. “I’m just grabbing a beer, you want one?”
I nodded my head in his direction, and then turned my attention back to the water. Once again, my thoughts went to hoping and praying that before we left tonight, he would make a move to kiss me.
Chapter Eleven
I didn’t want to leave her to go get a beer, but if I stayed any longer, I would’ve tried to kiss her and then that would’ve led to more. I could barely keep myself in control around her, and I didn’t want to lay all my cards out on the table so soon. I couldn’t stop staring at her, as I made my way back out on the dock where she stood. Something about her in this place, well let’s just say, it was a completely different side of her. A slight breeze passed and caught her hair, blowing it across her lower back. Of course, this had my eyes lowering their gaze to other parts of her body. I stopped mid stride and quickly adjusted my pants, before I walked up to her.
“Here you go.”
She turned and I handed her the beer I had just gotten her. I watched her as she meticulously took a pull from the cold bottle. As her lips sealed around the lip of the bottle, I could feel my pants getting tighter than they already were. I let out a low growl, but luckily she didn’t hear me, or at least pretended not to if she did. I reluctantly made my way over to her, grabbing her bottle from her hand. When she gave me a weird look, I set my bottle down right next to hers. As much as I wanted to put off the inevitable, it was time to seal the deal and make sure this girl know, just how much I wanted her.
I let one hand slide down her side, coming to rest on her hip as I pushed my other hand back through her hair, gently clutching the back of her neck. I looked into her wondering eyes for a brief second, before I pulled her lips into mine. My hand slid around to rest on the top of her backside, as my lips began to move against hers. I knew I didn’t want it to be a long drawn out kiss. Hell, I wanted to leave her yearning for more, so I quickly pulled back and then pressed my lips against hers one more time, before pulling back fully.
“Sorry.” I whispered.
“For what?” I could tell she was having a hard time catching her breath, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t having the same issue.
“Nothing, I suppose.” I stood back and then handed her a new bottle of beer. I clanked mine against hers and she smiled. I coyly smiled back and leaned against the railing. “So, what are you doing tomorrow?”
She glanced down at her bottle, as she picked at the corners of the label. “I’m not sure. Probably just hanging out at home. You?”
I moved a little bit closer to her, “Well I was hoping to be hanging out with this beautiful girl that I finally kissed. But, she seems to be a bit busy.” I grinned. My lips were only inches away from hers, and I could feel her hot breath graze my skin as she breathed in and out.
“I think we could probably figure something out.” She breathed.
Her eyes made their way up to mine, and I almost lost my train of thought. “Um…can I take you out sometime this weekend?”
“Why Dax, are you finally asking me out on a date?” She smiled.
“Why yes, I believe I am.” We both shared a laugh, but then she got very quiet and leaned in close to my ear.
“I think I might need some persuasion.” Her warm breath tickled my ear, causing other parts of me to react in full force.
I quickly turned my face, catching her lips with mine. I cupped her face in my hands and deepened the kiss. My tongue slid across her bottom lip, hoping she would grant me access, and just like that, she did. My tongue slid against hers as we explored each other’s mouths. I let one of my hands slip around the back of her head and I gently tugged on her hair. She moaned into my mouth, making my excitement for her grow to exponential lengths, literally and figuratively. I could feel her hands gliding up the back of my shirt, as I pulled her deeper into me. The tips of her fingernails began to dig into the stretched muscles across my shoulder blades, when I heard footsteps headed in our direction. As much as I didn’t want to break the contact with her, I knew it would probably be best if I did.
“What’s going on over here?” Her friend Taylor’s voice broke through the night air, annoying me to no end.
“Nothing, now.” I growled.
Charlee playfully slapped me across the chest and I couldn’t help but laugh a little at how red her cheeks were.
“What’s up?” I closed my eyes as Charlee began a conversation with her friend. I knew we weren’t going to be able to pick up where we left off, so I excused myself and made my way over to Wilton.
As I made my way up the dock and towards the van, I caught sight of a few guys headed in the direction of the girls. I stopped for a brief second, but then figured they were harmless, so I continued on my way.
“Hey man, what are you doing up here by yourself?”
“Just hanging out. I just got off the phone with a couple of the girls that were supposed to come by tonight. Seeing as I don’t stand a chance with Taylor, I figured we could head home a little early, so I could still meet up with them. That cool with you?” His voice rang with hope and I didn’t want to be the one to make it so he didn’t get any tonight. I definitely didn’t want to be that guy.
“Yeah, that’s cool with me. I’ll go grab the girls.” Just then I heard a loud shriek and started hauling ass back down the dock. The closer I got, the clearer the picture before me came into view. Taylor was backed against the railing by one of the guys I had seen before, and the other two were trying to get Charlee’s attention.
“WILTON, GET DOWN HERE NOW!” I yelled, just as my fist connected with the guy that was attacking Taylor. He fell to the ground with a thud, and I quickly started making my way over to Charlee. The taller of the two guys had her arms pinned behind her with one hand, while his other hand started making their way up her shorts.
“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” I growled as I walked up behind him.
“Just walk away, asshole. This doesn’t concern you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, asshole. Anything having to do with this girl,” I pointed directly at Charlee so he knew exactly who I was talking about, “has everything to do with me. Now I’ll say it again, I’m not so sure you wanna do what you’re thinking about doing here.”
The guy let go of Charlee, just as his friend walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her body and pinning her arms to her sides. I watched for a brief second as Charlee struggled to break free from his grasp, but she was only making things worse. When I turned back to the tall one, his face suddenly disappeared. Wilton stood back, rubbing his hand with a wide grin across his face. Now that he was here, I slowly made my way over to the guy holding Charlee.
“Do you wanna just let her go, or do you wanna end up like your buddies over there?” I pointed behind me.
“Let’s see what you got.” He was provoking me.
I shook my head as I let out a loud chuckle. If this guy only knew what he was getting into. I may not have been the tallest among all of us, but I sure as shit had been in my fair share of fights. “So be it.” I laughed as I lunged for his face.
He quickly pushed Charlee to the ground, as my fist connected with his jaw. I could hear the bones breaking underneath my hand, but everything else faded away, as I pummeled this guy’s face into the ground.
“Dax. DAX!” Charlee’s voice broke through the silence and anger that I’d been focused on. I cocked my hand back again, but felt a small fragile hand clasped around my fist, and suddenly I was calm. I stood up off of the guy be
neath me and reached for Charlee, pulling her tightly into my heaving chest. I ran my fingers down the length of her hair, not sure if I was trying to soothe her or myself, but either way, it was working.
“Dax, are you okay?” Her voice was soft and extremely sexy as it filled with worry.
“I’m okay.” I held her out at arms length, checking her for any visible signs of injury, “Are you okay, is the bigger question?”
“I think…I think, I’m okay. Thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for.” I slid my finger underneath her chin so I could stare into her eyes. There were so many things I wanted to say to her in that moment, but words seemed to be failing me. So instead, I sealed my lips over hers. It was a quick kiss, but one that I could tell definitely affected her more than she had anticipated. “Let’s go.” I whispered, before clasping my hand around hers and leading her back up to the van.
Wilton and Taylor were already in the van and ready to go. Wilton was in the driver’s seat and I could only assume that Taylor was too shaken up to drive. I ushered Charlee into the back seat to join her friend, but before I took my seat up front, I leaned inside the van towards Taylor.
“You okay, Taylor?”
The only response I could get was a head nod, but for now, I would take it. I closed the door after giving Charlee one last look, and then climbed in the front. This night hadn’t quite turned out the way I had envisioned it, but it was definitely a night I wouldn’t soon forget.
Chapter Twelve
The ride home was extremely awkward, but I was thankful that the guys had been with us tonight. I shuddered at the thought of what could’ve happened, if we were alone like we usually were. Taylor was still shaken up, so I kept my arm around her, holding her tight against me. As tough as we both made ourselves out to be, we were still girls, and girls had a way of letting things like what happened tonight, affect us.
I tried to not look in Dax’s direction throughout the car ride, but every so often I would feel his fingers gently graze my shin. Just when I would look over, his hand would disappear back up front. It was one of the sweetest things a guy had ever done for me. I know how pathetic that sounds, but in all actuality, I had dated one of the biggest assholes I had ever met in my life and anything compared to how he treated me, was amazing.